Your dental health is our priority

Our dental clinics offers all medical and surgical services with the best professionals.
What are the most demanded dental treatments?


This is the area of dentistry that deals with dental rehabilitation due to tooth loss, with the main objective of recovering the aesthetics and functionality of the oral cavity. Dental implants are placed in the bone tissue with the intention of replacing the lost teeth.

Conventional orthodontics for adults and children

Conventional orthodontics for adults and children

Orthodontics is the dental specialty in charge of correcting teeth and bones that are in an incorrect position.

Ortodoncia invisible

Invisible Orthodontics

The Invisalign system combines innovative clear aligners with virtual modeling software technology and a customized manufacturing process with proven results, allowing you to deliver an advanced orthodontic experience to patients.

Need a dentist?
Just by having an AXA Salud policy you have coverage for visits, orthopantomography, dental CAT scan for extractions (according to policy) and a hygiene every 12 months. If you also have a dental policy, you'll have a franchised price.
Service: AXA Insured: Private customer:
  • Service:
    Dental check-up
    AXA Insured:

    Included in your policy

    Private customer:


  • Service:
    Oral hygiene
    AXA Insured:

    Included in your policy

    Private customer:


  • Service:
    AXA Insured:

    Included in your policy

    Private customer:


  • Service:
    Dental CAT scan
    AXA Insured:

    Included in your policy

    Private customer:


  • Service:
    Periodontics (curettage)
    AXA Insured:

    Included in your policy

    Private customer:


For the rest of treatments, request your free visit and a personalized budget without commitment will be made because, for us, your mouth is unique.
Find out about the advantages and coverage of AXA Dental Insurance.
More information
Dental specialties

These are the dental specialties we work with at AXA Medical Center.

  • Reconstruction

  • Radiology

  • Prosthetics

  • Periodontics

  • Invisible orthodontics

  • Conventional orthodontics for adults and children

  • Dental aesthetics

  • Endodontics

  • Oral surgery and implantology

Do you know our centers?

Los Centros  Médicos AXA cuentas con un excelente equipo de odontólogos y profesionales de la salud. Desde hace más de 15 años cuidamos de tu salud bucodental, por nuestras instalaciones han pasado más de 9000 pacientes que han confiado en nuestra experiencia y profesionalidad.

Por eso, nuestra filosofía se aleja de las clínicas dentales convencionales, queremos romper las barreras del miedo, elimnar la tensión que supone acudir al dentista. En los Centros Médicos AXA hemos desarrollado una experiencia 360º para cuidar de tu salud bucodental.

Cada paciente se merece la máxima atención. Para nosotros, lo más importante es tu seguridad y bienestar. La empatía, el trato personalizado y la calidad son nuestros valores, obtener para cada uno de nuestros pacientes los mejores resultados y más satisfactorios.
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Payment options
Cash or credit card
Pay as you do the treatment
Finance up to 24 months without interest